Deocean Education Secretary
Fr.Patrick Mahinja
Education department seeks to improve access and participation of all eligible students to education opportunities and coordinating all educational activities in the diocese. The department provides educational services through mainly through Pre-primary Schools, Primary Schools, Secondary Schools, Vocation Training Schools and Colleges. There are almost 17 institutions under the care of this department without counting nursery schools. To sum up, the Diocese has several nursery schools, 2 primary schools, 8 Secondary Schools, 4 Vocational Training Schools and 2 College.
Schools, 4 Vocational Training Schools and 2 College. The department is under the Care of the Diocesan Educational Secretary (DES) who is assisted by the Diocesan Educational Board as its highest governing body. Vision of the department is quality education accessible to all by integrating Christian values for committed services to the society and the World at large