In September 1993, a meeting between Astrid Strunden (volunteer of Kigoma Development Project and Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) and the Tanzanian Governement took place, which was the beginning of Sanganigwa Children’s Home. Later on, in January 1994, the then Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kigoma, Paul Ruzoka, joined the group whereby he was selected to be the caretaker of the project. In November 1994, the Sanganigwa Children’s Home, which was originally a hospital, was handed over to the Diocese of Kigoma and on 15th July 1995, the Home was officially opened. Since then, the Centre has already supported 83 children.


Sanganigwa Children’s Home is dedicated to provide basic human needs and education to orphans in Kigoma Region. After being educated, re-integrate them into the society as mature, responsible and independent persons.

Planned Activities

  • Prepare the orphans for a better future life, foster them to grow and develop intellectually for self decision-making
  • Teach them African norms and values.
  • Involve the children in self-supporting project such as gardening, looking after cattle, environmental cleanliness and handcrafts
  • Integrated orphans, who are not able to pursue secondary education, are sent to either vocation training school or trade within Kigoma Town
  • Objectives

  • Purchasing and distributing school materials
  • Buying books for information centre and keeping them in the library.
  • Paying school fees and contributions.

    The Diocese of Kigoma opened Sanganigwa “B” in 1998, which is a centre for vulnerable street children. The aim of the program is to improve the life of the children and help them realize their potentialities and responsibly prepare their future.