The Lay apostolate department in the Catholic Diocese of Kigoma advocates ways for members of each diocesan community to seek “the Kingdom of God ” by engaging in spiritual as well as temporal affairs. This ministry has to ensure that the role of the laity is understood and provides an opportunity for laity to have an input on issues that are pertinent to Church and society. This department coordinates ecclesial movements like Catholic Women Association (WAWATA), Catholic Youth Organisation (VIWAWA), Catholic Students (TYCS), Holy Childhood, pious movements, solidarities, family apostolate and other lay associations. In a nutshell, The department emphasises on the role of the laity in evangelization. Its main function is to promote active participation of the laity in the church through and by enhancing Small Christian Communities, Pontifical Missionary societies (PMS), Holy childhood, youth office, Christian movements, lay associations and family apostolate.

The department provides direction, training, encouragement and it promotes the moral, intellectual and material welfare through formation programs and by elevating their capacity to concretely contribute to the social welfare from the grassroots level. The Diocese is trying to find ways of consolidating this functional department as the key for both evangelization and for tapping both human and material resources for successful development delivery.

1 Fr. John MBIVILILA Director
2 Fr. Charles Ndanilabe Assistant Director
3 Nicodemus  Francis Permanent Secretary
4 Deogratias DYMURUSHI Chairman of Lay Council
5 Sylvanus MPARAZO Vice Chairman
6 Leo Mwombeki Ass. Secretary Lay Council
7 Yeronimo BULEZI Treasurer-Lay Council


To establish sources of income – To strengthen SCCs – To foster on going formation of the laity – To encourage vocations – To encourage conversion – To foster implantation of diocesan first synod resolutions related to the department and the laity at large. – To carry out study tours in and outside the diocese of Kigoma. – To carry out finishing of the house at Mwilanvya


Poor communication and contribution which ought to be made to the department by SCCs. – Poor participation of Men and the youth in the lay ministries – Lack of income generating projects for sustenance of the department – Lack of some one to direct the movements among the Laity Council members.